FedML Installation on Raspberry Pi

  • Pull FedML RPI docker image
docker pull fedml/fedml:latest-raspberrypi4-64-py37
  • Run Docker with "fedml login"
docker run -t -i fedml/fedml:latest-raspberrypi4-64-py37 /bin/bash

root@8bc0de2ce0e0:/usr/src/app# fedml login 299

Note please change the value of $YOUR_FEDML_ACCOUNT_ID to your own.

Install Docker on Your Raspberry Pi (skip this if you already installed Docker)

  1. Update and upgrade your apt-get package tool
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
  1. Download Docker installation script
curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com -o get-docker.sh
  1. Execute the installation script
sudo sh get-docker.sh
  1. Add a non-root user to the Docker group
sudo usermod -aG docker [your-user]

Install with pip

pip install fedml
source ~/.profile  ## run this command if '/home/user/.local/bin' is not on PATH' after installation